Services - Build to print

Build to print

Ananya helps customers to take their concepts from design to production

Ananya, with its expertise in Build to print service, manufactures customer designed products or part of the products.

Build to print is a process in which a manufacturer produces products, equipment, or components according to the customer's exact specifications. The design specifications often include performance and quality requirements.

Team Ananya consists of qualified and experienced executives, Engineers & Technicians.

Further the team has expertise in selection and sourcing of components based on the needs of the customers, ranging from selection of connectors ,adaptors, cable accessories and preparation of Bill-of-materials (BOM) according to the custom drawings provided by customers. Ananya has vast experience handling connectors of MIL-DTL-38999 series &, MIL-DTL-5015, MIL-C-26482 Series, MIL-C-82723 and MIL-C-81703 series etc. Technicians at Ananya are IPC /WHMA -A 620B trained and are fully equipped for handling tinel-lock ring and band backshell adaptors.

Please contact us if you have any questions, we are here to help!